Who should I vote for?

As a Political Analyst and Leadership Strategist (yes, I am trying to get more comfortable with these titles) I am often posed with this rhetorical question- who should I vote for?

I find myself not wanting to provide an answer, not because I fear the reaction (admittedly sometimes I do), but moreover because I find the motive behind the question itself to be a little more menacing.

Firstly, some ask simply because they are keen to magnify your abilities and to assess your political acumen and worth…and more importantly whether you agree with their political stance.

Secondly, others ask because they legitimately have no inclination as to which party to identify with.

Thirdly, those who ask in order to reassure you that they are not going to vote, because well frankly they are fed up and don’t see much point in queuing, inking, and marking.

Regardless of these approaches, what remains certain is that people do not pose such a question without careful consideration. This deliberate question indicates that the questioners care, even when some claim not to. They pose this question because they have reflected on the society theyind themselves in.

The reality in which we live is met with several perspectives, we face unique challenges and feats. While some complain about loadshedding, others complain that they’ve never experienced the magic of electricity- not now and not ever. It’s true corruption rules the day, state hospitals do not have beds, schools are without books, our homes are reminiscent of prisons. And I’m aware- these are just highlights from the news. Yet there too remains much to celebrate, if anything we practice out beliefs freely, we stay where we choose to, and we compete with the best in the world in almost every industry!

Indeed, we are living in strange times. The road ahead seems long, tedious and pot holed- but this is our road to take. We have to remember that like most journeys it may be met with mechanical faults, meanders, and moody weather; but our journey includes milestones, meetings and mediation.

It won’t be easy (it never has been), but we are on the road and we best be aware of the drivers, as they are as important as the destination we have been promised.

Now, in a more poetic sense, who should lead us to the promised land? I think that that decision should remain calculated. Vote for the party you’ll work with, not the party you hope will do all the work for you.

Kind regards and peace,


2 thoughts on “Who should I vote for?

    1. Hi Desmond, I’m glad you found the post interesting! My vote has been counted (I was careful not to spoil my ballot). Yes, I did my best reply diplomatically. LOL

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